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Step 15: Use the initial lines on the top right as guides to draw the hermit crab's head and eyes. Darken the lines as you create the shapes. Shade the tips of the small arcs for the eyes.

Step 16: Draw the pair of antennules in the space between the hermit crab's two antennae. Draw them the same way as the antennae, but make these thinner and shorter.

Step 17: Draw the appendages on the other side the same way as the ones on this side. Use the first claw as a template to draw the hermit crab's second claw. Make it smaller because of the perspective. Draw the visible portion of another leg on the left. The leg in the middle is hidden behind the legs on this side.

Step 18 (optional): Erase as much as you can of the initial guides for a cleaner look. Don't worry about erasing all of the guides. It's okay to leave some behind. Re-draw any final sketch lines that you may have accidentally erased.

Final Step (optional): Add some shading to your hermit crab drawing to give it more dimension and volume. Pick the direction of the light source when shading so that the shadows are consistent with it. Keep in mind the contours of the shapes as you add the value. Shade the individual segments of the shell in a similar way and then move on to the legs. Vary the pressure on your pencil to get different degrees of tonal value. Shade the other legs the same way. Leave a small section on the legs blank as well for a shinier texture. Add value to each individual segment at a time to break up the shading.
Add a cast shadow underneath. This helps ground the hermit crab so it doesn't appear to be floating. Use a darker value near the middle of the shadow and a lighter value along the edge for the shadow's diffusion.
You can add more value throughout your drawing for extra detail. You can leave a few sections along the shell blank to make it more shiny. Try to add the value smoothly across the body for a shiny look and avoid a rough, gritty texture. Shells come in a variety of patterns. To add stripes like this, alternate between dark and light values. Certain shells are painted by hand and can have unique patterns like spots. So shade yours however you'd like. It's also a good idea to use reference if you want a more accurate drawing. If you have a pet hermit crab, try to duplicate it's look on your drawing. Shading can be time-consuming, so be patient and take breaks. Remember to pause the "How to Draw a Hermit Crab" video after each step to draw at your own pace.
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