Draw Anglerfish 6

Step 6: Draw a couple of lines inside the circle on the left side as a guide for the anglerfish's pectoral fin.


Draw Anglerfish 7

Step 7: On the left side of the anglerfish's body, draw the guide for the tail using three curved lines.


Draw Anglerfish 8

Step 8: Add an angled line on the top and another on the bottom as guides for the other fins.


Draw Anglerfish Sketch

That's it for the initial sketch! From this point on, press harder with your pencil to get a more defined sketch.


Draw Anglerfish 9

Step 9: Draw the eye as a small circle inside the big circle on the top right side. Add a tiny circle near the top of the eye to represent glare and a dot in the middle for the pupil. Shade the rest of the anglerfish's eye using a value that's slightly lighter than the pupil. Add a few short lines around the eye for more structure.

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