Draw Wasp 15

Step 15: Use the arc on top of the body as a guide to draw front wing called the fore wing. Draw a small circle on the left for the wing's base. Then follow the basic path of the guide but make the shape thinner at the bottom.


Draw Wasp 16

Step 16: Draw the other wing below it called the hind wing within the shape of the guide. Add the circular base too.


Draw Wasp 17

Step 17: Draw the visible portion of the fore wing on the other side. Simply add another curved line above the first fore wing.


Draw Wasp 18

Step 18: Use the lines under the thorax on the left side as guides to draw the front legs. Follow the basic path of the guides as you darken the thick shape of the legs. The legs are segmented, so add the divisions as you draw the leg. The segments should vary in width and length. Draw the front leg on the other side by using the initial line as a guide too.


Draw Wasp 19

Step 19: Now use the lines in the middle as guides to draw the second pair of legs. Follow the path of the guides and give the leg a few segments as you draw it. Because the leg bends up first, the shapes overlap themselves a bit at the top. Draw the visible portion of the middle leg on the other side using the initial guide lines.

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