Draw Rooster 6

Step 6: Draw a long curved line on the left side of the body as a guide for the rooster's tail.

Draw Rooster 7

Step 7: Under the body, draw an L-shaped line as a guide for the rooster's feet.

Draw Rooster Sketch

That's it for the initial sketch! From this point on, press harder with your pencil to get a more defined sketch.

Draw Rooster 8

Step 8: Draw the eye on the top part of the rooster's head by first lightly sketching a circle. Then darken the circle and make the top part flatter so it's more of a half-circle. Shade the inside of the eye except for a tiny circle to represent glare. Push harder with your pencil near the middle of the eye for the darker value of the pupil. Draw a couple of lines around the rooster's eye for extra detail.

Draw Rooster 9

Step 9: Use the triangle shape as a guide to draw the rooster's beak. Draw a curved line near the middle of the triangle for the mouth. Then add the top and bottom part of the beak, making sure that the tip points down slightly. Draw a small oval at the top for the rooster's nostril.
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