Step 10: Use the small circle as a guide to draw the rest of the komodo dragon's head. Darken the top and bottom part of the circle and make the shape flatter to create the long head. Draw a few lines inside the head for the wrinkles. Draw an extra thick line to the right of the eye for the ear opening.
Step 11: Use the lines on the left as guides to draw the komodo dragon's front feet. Lightly sketch the shape of the first leg as you follow the path of the guide line. When you get the structure of the leg right, darken the lines. Use curved lines as you draw the leg to indicate the muscle structure. Draw a few lines at the joints for the folds of skin. Draw the digits in front using a series of short lines. Draw the claws at the end of the digits. Draw the foot on the other side using the other line as a guide. Sketch it lightly as you follow the path of the guide and darken the lines when you get the structure right. Draw the claws at the end.
Step 12: Use the line on the right as a guide to draw the hind legs using the same technique. Draw an extra curve inside the original circle as you lightly sketch the structure. This is the bent part of the top of the leg. Darken the lines and draw a few extra lines near the joints or the loose skin. Draw the komodo dragon's toes at the end. Draw the hind leg on the other side. Only draw the bottom part since most of it is hiding behind the body.
Step 13: Use the original circles and connecting lines as a guide to draw the rest of the komodo dragon's body. Simply darken the lines as you follow the initial shapes. Draw a few lines inside the dragon's body as extra detail for the loose skin. Draw these lines using curved strokes for a more organic feel instead of a rigid straight line.
Step 14: Use the line on the right as a guide to draw the komodo dragon's thick, long tail. Lightly draw two curved lines that come to a point as you follow the path of the guide line, then darken the shape.