Step 6: Draw a few long sloping lines on the bottom part of the arc for the lower part of the duck's bill. Inside the top part of the bill, draw a small oval for the nostril and a few lines for wrinkles. Darken the outer edges of the initial guides to create the shape of the head. Make front part of the head longer than the initial circle.
Step 7: Draw a long, curved shape inside the body for the mallard's folded wing. The tip of the wing should be outside of the body. Use curved lines to emphasize the shape of the feathers. Draw the shape of the foot around the guide that's under the body. At the bottom, draw three thin pointy toes that face the left side. Draw curved lines between the toes for the webbed foot. Add a smaller toe pointing backward on the right side.
Step 8: Draw a series of curved lines inside the duck's wing to create individual feathers. Make these lines different sizes. Draw the other foot under the body as well. Part of this foot will be hidden behind the first foot, so only draw the visible toes. Don't forget the webbing on the toes and the toe pointing backward!
Step 9: Darken the outer edges of the initial guides to create the shape of the female mallard's body. On the right side, draw a series of short lines to create the short tail. Make the lines different sizes for more feathers.
Step 10: For a cleaner look, erase as much as you can of the initial guide lines. Don't worry about erasing all of the guides. It's okay to leave some behind. Re-draw any final sketch lines you may have accidentally erased.
Final Step: Shade your female mallard drawing for extra detail. Draw a speckled pattern all over the body using a medium value. Shade lightly at first and gradually build up to darker values. For light values, push down very lightly on your pencil and push down harder for darker values. Create the pattern by drawing short strokes all over the body. Make the strokes bigger as you get to the body so that they become feathers on the wing. Leave the tips of the feather blank. Use stronger values along the bottoms of the shapes to create shadows. Shade the bill and feet using lighter, smoother values. It's a good idea to use reference as you shade for a more accurate depiction of a female mallard duck. Shading can be time-consuming, so be patient and take breaks. For a more detailed guide on how to shade, check out this tutorial: How to shade.
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