How to Draw a Bumblebee Bee Flying Guides Lines

That's it for the guides! From this point on, press down harder with your pencil for a more defined drawing.

How to Draw a Bumblebee Bee Flying 6

Step 6: Draw a long, thin oval inside the head for the bumblebee's eye. The oval should take up a big space inside the head. Sketch lightly at first and when you get the shape and placement right, darken the lines.

How to Draw a Bumblebee Bee Flying 7

Step 7: On the top, right side of the head, draw two long, thin, angled shapes for the bee's antennae. Bend the shapes near the bottom to create a segment. Don't draw the shapes too thick. Bumblebees' antennae are pretty short, so don't draw the shapes too long.

How to Draw a Bumblebee Bee Flying 8

Step 8: Use the small, oval-like shape as a guide to draw the bumblebee's head. Draw a series of short strokes along the basic path of the oval to create the shape of the fury head. Make the top part of the head taller than the initial oval. At the bottom, draw a the mouth parts using a few short, angled lines.

How to Draw a Bumblebee Bee Flying 9

Step 9: Use the angled line that's under the body on the right-most side as a guide to draw the bee's first leg. First lightly sketch the shape of the leg around the guide line. Draw the right part of the leg first and break up the shape into small rectangular segments. Draw three segments in total and make them smaller the farther down they are. At the very bottom, draw a couple of small, angled lines to create a claw. When you get the shape of the leg right, darken the lines. On the top, left side, draw the base of the leg using a couple of sloping lines. Add a few short strokes on the base of the leg for hair.

How to Draw a Bumblebee Bee Flying 10

Step 10: Use the angled line to the left as guide to draw the bumblebee's middle leg the same way. Draw the shape of the leg around the guide line. Sketch lightly at first and only darken the lines when you get the leg's shape right. Break up the shape of the leg into smaller, rectangular segments. The segments should be big at the top and gradually get smaller toward the bottom. Draw this leg bigger than the front leg. Draw a series of short strokes along the left edges of the segments at the top for the hair found on the legs. On the left side, draw the base of the leg using a few sloping lines.

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