Step 11: To the right of the leg, draw two short, horizontal lines for the underside of the cartoon dragon's body.
Step 12: On the right side, draw a sloping curved line for the first part of the hind leg. To the right, draw another curved line so that the two combined lines form an almost U shape. Draw the bottom part of the hind leg the same way as the front leg. Don't forget the dragon's toes at the bottom.
Step 13: Use the dragon's front leg as a template to draw the other front leg the same way. To the left of the hind leg, draw the other hind leg the same way. A big part of these legs will be hidden.
Step 14: To the right of the head, draw a long line that curves up and then angles to the right for the dragon's wing. Add a parallel line to the right to make the shape thick. Give it a pointy tip at the top.
Step 15: Where the dragon's wing bends, draw a big V-shaped line for the middle of the wing. Make the shape thick and the tips pointy. Then draw curved lines at the ends for the skin on the wings.