Step 20: Use the angled line on the far left as a guide to draw the running lion's first hind leg. Draw this leg the same way. Follow the path of the guide and lightly sketch the leg around it. This leg bends a lot more than the front legs. When you get the shape right, darken the lines. At the bottom, draw a couple of curved lines for the toes and for the padding on the paw. Make sure you curve the shape of the leg in the middle to emphasize the joints.
Step 21: Draw the shape of the lion's other hind leg around the last line under the body. Use curved lines for the toes at the bottom. A big part of the top of the leg will be hidden behind the first hind leg.
Step 22: Use the remaining lines as guides to draw the rest of the running lion's body. Darken the outer edges of the guides in the middle to create the shape of the torso. Darken the curved line on the left for the top edge of the tail. Add a parallel curved line directly below for the bottom edge of the lion's tail. At the top of the tail, draw a small, oval-like shape that's made up of short strokes for the furry tuft.
Step 23: Go over the final sketch lines with a pen, marker or any other type of permanent ink. Take your time and be careful when you ink to avoid any accidents. After the ink dries, get rid of every pencil mark with an eraser for a cleaner drawing.
Final Step: Color your running lion drawing! Use yellow or cream lightly for the base of the body. Add more earth tones like light brown and yellow-orange to the body directly on top of each other. Add the colors lightly and slowly blend them to build up the tones. Add some dark brown to create shadows on the lion's body and give the figure more dimension.
Color the mane the same way. Use a mixture of brown, yellow, orange and even red. Lions' manes can vary in color. Some are darker than others. Use more dark brown for a darker mane. Always add your colors lightly and slowly work your way up to darker tones. Use dark brown for the tail tip.
Use gray and a bit of brown to emphasize the shadows and define the body's structure. It's a good idea to use reference as you draw for a more accurate depiction of a running lion. Use gray and a bit of purple to create a cast shadow under the body. Don't forget to pause the video after each step to draw at your own pace.
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