Step 6: Draw a series of short, V-shaped lines along the top part of the mouth for the hammerhead shark's teeth.
Step 7: Draw a long, curved line under the top part of the mouth for the bottom part of the open mouth. Curve the left edge in toward the right a bit. Draw a series of triangular shapes along the bottom for more teeth. Leave enough space between the shark's teeth to draw two curved lines for the tongue.
Step 8: Starting next to the eye, draw a long line that slopes toward the bottom, right side for the hammerhead's body. The longer you draw this line, the longer the shark's body will be.
Step 9: At the top, near the eye, draw a big, triangular shape for the main dorsal fin. To the right, draw a smaller triangle for the second dorsal fin.
Step 10: To the left of the teeth, draw a short, curved line for the outside portion of the mouth. Continue to draw that line down to the lower, right side for the underside of the body. Under the body, on the left, draw a long, curved V-shaped line for the hammerhead's first pectoral fin.