Step 15: Darken the arc on the top, right side of the head for the jackalope's first ear. Draw the bottom part of the ear inside the head. Use short, curved lines to give the base of the ear structure. Within the shape, draw a couple of long lines and short strokes for the ear opening and fur.
Step 16: Use the curved line to the left of the ear as a guide to draw the jackalope's first antler. At the top, draw the shape of the antler around the guide. Make the top part pointy. On the left, draw another long, vertical, pointy shape for a second antler branch. Below, draw another antler branch, this time with a horizontal orientation. It's okay to overlap the other ear's guide. Make the bottom part of the antler thick. Before you close off the shape at the bottom, add a smaller branch.
Step 17: Use the curved line on the left as a guide to draw the jackalope's other antler the same way. Follow the path of the guide, but at the top, curve the line toward the left to create the first branch. Make the top pointy. Draw the second branch of the antler around the initial guide line. Follow the path of the guide and draw two more branches along the way before closing off the shape at the bottom. Jackalopes are fictional creatures, so you can draw the antlers on your drawing differently if you want.
Step 18: Darken the shape of the second arc to create the jackalope's other ear. Most of this ear will be behind the antlers, so only draw the visible part peeking through.
Step 19: Darken the front part of the initial guide to create the front of the head. Use a series of short strokes along the lower, right side of the initial circle to complete the shape of the jackalope's furry head.