Step 6: Draw two curved lines that connect the head to the body to form the guide for the cassowary's neck.
Step 7: Under the body, on the right side, draw a long line that slopes to the right as a guide for the first leg. Bend the bottom part of the line to indicate where the cassowary's foot will be. On the left, draw a line that slopes to the left as a guide for the bird's other leg. Bend the tip of this line too.
That's it for the guides! From this point on, press harder with your pencil for a more defined drawing.
Step 8: Inside the head, near the left side, draw a small circle for the bird's eye. Inside the eye, off to the side, draw a tiny circle to represent glare. In the middle, draw a big dot for the pupil. If your cassowary's eye is too small, don't worry about the glare circle and just draw the pupil in the middle. Draw a couple of curved lines around the eye for the eyelids.
Step 9: Draw a long, horizontal line across the arc on the left for the mouth. This line should extend to the right inside the bird's head and below the eye. Darken the top part of the arc to create the first part of the cassowary's beak.