Step 10: Draw a small circle under the head for the monarch's rolled-up proboscis.
Step 11: Use the big shape on the right side as a guide to draw the butterfly's hind wing. Follow the basic path of the guide but make the shape a bit wavier as you darken the lines. The shape doesn't really connect on the left side. This is where the monarch butterfly's wing is attached to the body.
Step 12: Add the detail inside the monarch butterfly's wing. First draw a long, horizontal line. Pay attention to the oval-like shape. It has a small point on the top. Draw a series of short lines to the right of this shape. Begin drawing short, curved lines near the top of the edge of the wing to close off the top shape of the pattern. Close off the remaining shapes using curved lines. Follow the curve of the hind wing as you close off the shapes.
Step 13: Draw a couple more of the small shapes on the bottom half of the butterfly's hind wing. The shapes are basically made up of curved lines. Below that, draw two shapes that are longer and thinner. Make these longer shapes parallel to the lower edge of the hind wing.
Step 14: Use the shape at the top as a guide to draw the monarch butterfly's forewing. Follow the path of the guide but make the shape wavier as you darken the line.