How to Draw Angry Growling Snarling Cartoon Wolf Head 11

Step 11: On either side of the mouth, draw a small, cone- like shape for the lower canine teeth. Between the lower canines, draw a row of smaller cone- like shapes for the rest of the teeth. Under the lower row of teeth, draw a wavy line for the wolf's lower lip.


How to Draw Angry Growling Snarling Cartoon Wolf Head 12

Step 12: Below the wolf's open mouth, draw a line for the chin. On the left side, draw a jagged, sloping line for the side of the furry jaw. On the right side of the open mouth, draw another sloping, jagged line for the other side of the jaw.



How to Draw Angry Growling Snarling Cartoon Wolf Head 13

Step 13: Starting on the left side of the jaw, draw a series of V-shaped lines to create the side of the cartoon wolf's face. Curve the jagged lines so that the top part ends above the brows. The top spikes should be smaller than the bottom ones. Pay attention to the space between the side of the head and the muzzle.


How to Draw Angry Growling Snarling Cartoon Wolf Head 14

Step 14: Add the right side of the head the same way. Use a series of jagged lines that curve upward from the jaw. The jagged spikes represent the wolf's fur. Try to make both sides of the head symmetrical.



How to Draw Angry Growling Snarling Cartoon Wolf Head 15

Step 15: On the top, left side, draw a big line similar in shape to an upside-down letter V for the wolf's first ear. Inside the ear, draw a long line for structure and smaller jagged lines at the bottom for fur.

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