Step 6: On either side of the tiger's muzzle, draw three pointy lines for stripes. The stripes should be similar to long triangles on their sides. Shade in the stripes. Don't push down too hard if you're going to ink your drawing later. Add a few curved lines above the muzzle for wrinkles. Draw a short, curved line under the corner of each eye and another line in between the eyes. Add a couple more lines right above the nose.
Step 7: Under the muzzle, draw a series of V-shaped lines for the tiger's teeth. The teeth on the sides should be longer than the ones in the middle. You can also make the teeth longer if you'd like.
Step 8: Under each canine, draw a short line for the sides of the open mouth. Inside the mouth, draw a big U-shaped line for the tiger's tongue.
Step 9: Below the tongue draw a series of triangle- like shapes for the lower row of teeth. The tiger's teeth on the sides should be bigger than the teeth in the middle.
Step 10: Under the bottom row of teeth, draw a wavy line for the gums. Below the gums, draw long line similar in shape to the letter U for the tiger's jaw/chin. As you draw this line, add a few jagged, spike-like shapes along the way to represent fur.