Step 6: Draw the guide for the torso by first making a small mark to the right of the head. Then connect the mark to the head using long, curved lines. The overall shape of this guide should be an oval. The left part should be behind the head. You can make this oval bigger or smaller depending on what size you want your werewolf to be.
Step 7: Add the middle part of the werewolf's torso by first drawing a long, vertical line on the right. Then draw a horizontal line at the bottom followed by a short, vertical line on the left side.
Step 8: Add the lower part of the torso by first drawing two short, vertical lines on the sides. Then add an angled line at the bottom similar in shape to a wide letter V.
Step 9: Draw a small circle on the right side as a guide for the shoulder. The right edge of the this circle should overlap the right edge of the big oval. To the right of that, draw an arc as a guide for the middle section of the arm. Now add a small oval to the right as a guide for the forearm. The top part should be behind the arc. On the left side, under the head, draw a small arc as guide for the other forearm.
Step 10: Draw the guides for the hands and fingers under the previous shapes. Draw the bottom part of the forearm using two short, vertical lines and a curved line at the bottom. Below that, draw the guide for the werewolf's hand as a sort of circular shape. Draw three curved lines for the fingers at the bottom and a shorter line on the left for the thumb. Add the hand on the left by first drawing the angled arc-like shape. Then add the short, curved lines for the fingers and thumb.