How to Draw Cool Angry Minotaur Bull Horns 6

Step 6: Draw a big oval around the head as a guide for the minotaur's torso. First draw four short marks. Then connect the marks using curved lines to complete the oval around the head. Pay attention to the size of this oval in relation to the head. Also notice that the head isn't exactly in the middle of the oval. It's off to the right a bit.


How to Draw Cool Angry Minotaur Bull Horns 7

Step 7: Under the oval, draw a long curved line as a guide for the middle section of the torso. The minotaur will be bending forward a bit, so don't draw this line too far down. Below that, draw an angled line similar to a wide letter V as a guide for the lower part of the torso.


How to Draw Cool Angry Minotaur Bull Horns 8

Step 8: On the top, left side of the torso, draw a small half-circle as a guide for the first shoulder. Now add another half-circle on the top, right side as a guide for the other shoulder. Below each half- circle, draw a U- shaped line as a guide for the minotaur's arms. Tilt the U-shaped lines so that they have a diagonal orientation.


How to Draw Cool Angry Minotaur Bull Horns 9

Step 9: Under each U-shaped line, draw another curved line as a guide for the minotaur's forearms. These curved lines should be similar to ovals minus the top parts. Pay attention to how far down these lines go in relation to the torso. Under each forearm, draw a small circle as a guide for the fists.


How to Draw Cool Angry Minotaur Bull Horns 10

Step 10: Under the torso, draw two long U-shaped lines as guides for the top part of the legs. First make a small mark to indicate the length of the minotaur's leg, then add the curved lines on the sides. Tilt the U-shaped lines outward so that they have a diagonal orientation.

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