How to Draw a Tabby Kitten Cat Stretching Initial Sketch

That's it for the initial sketch! From this point on, press harder with your pencil to get a more defined sketch.


How to Draw a Tabby Kitten Cat Stretching 11

Step 11: Above the construction line, near the left side, draw a short line for the cat's closed eye. Make the line thick and pointy at the ends. Pay attention to the size of this line in relation to the rest of the head. Add a few quick, short strokes on the sides to represent fur. Draw an even shorter line on the left for the other closed eye that's barely visible.


How to Draw a Tabby Kitten Cat Stretching 12

Step 12: Lightly sketch a couple of lines so that they form a triangle-like shape with the tip of the cat's muzzle for the nose. When you get the size and placement of the nose right, darken the lines. Draw a wavy line inside the nose, on the right side, for the nostril.


How to Draw a Tabby Kitten Cat Stretching 13

Step 13: Use the small angled line as a guide to draw the rest of the cat's muzzle. Draw a line under the nose that's made up of quick, short strokes for the mouth. The mouth should stretch to the right until it's under the closed eye. Use quick, short strokes as you follow the bottom edge of the guide to create the chin.


How to Draw a Tabby Kitten Cat Stretching 14

Step 14: Use the triangle-like lines on the head as guides to draw the cat's ears. Darken the lines but make them wavier to give them a more organic feel. Inside the ear on the right, draw a series of short lines to indicate the structure and fur.

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