How to Draw a Scottish Fold Cat Playing Pawing Swiping 10

Step 10: Inside each eye, near the left side, draw a tiny circle to represent glare. In the middle of each eyeball, draw a thin oval-like shape for the cat's slit pupils. You can add another tiny circle inside each eye for more glare or just stick with one.

Shade in the Scottish fold's pupils using a dark value. Don't overlap the tiny glare circles. Push down hard with your pencil to achieve a dark value for the pupils. Use a dark value at the top and gradually make it lighter toward the bottom to give the eyeballs more dimension.


How to Draw a Scottish Fold Cat Playing Pawing Swiping 11

Step 11: Draw the Scottish fold's nose near the top edge of the muzzle by first lightly sketching a triangle. Darken the lines. Make the top part wavy and add the nostrils on the sides. Draw a short line at the bottom tip of the nose.


How to Draw a Scottish Fold Cat Playing Pawing Swiping 12

Step 12: Use the small circle as a guide to draw the muzzle. First draw a short line under the cat's nose. The line should then split into two. The left side should extend to the edge of the initial oval. Draw the left side too. Follow the basic path of the guide as you darken the lines to create the muzzle. Use quick, short strokes as you draw the shape of the muzzle to represent fur. Add a curved line that's made up of quick, short strokes below the mouth for the chin.


How to Draw a Scottish Fold Cat Playing Pawing Swiping 13

Step 13: Use the arc on the top, left side of the head as a guide to draw the Scottish fold's first ear. Darken the top part of the arc, then draw a line across the middle to represent the folded edge of the ear. Add a series of quick, short strokes underneath for the furry interior of the ear.


How to Draw a Scottish Fold Cat Playing Pawing Swiping 14

Step 14: Use the other arc on the head as a guide to draw the Scottish fold's second ear the same way. Draw a line across the arc to represent the folded tip, and then add a few quick short strokes below for the fur.

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