Draw Vulture Bird 15

Step 15: Draw a line that's made up of quick, short strokes to the right of the neck for the fluffy feathers found there. Add a V-shaped line made up of quick, short strokes under the neck for the bottom part of the fluffy neck feathers. Using quick, short strokes, add a curved line at the top to complete the ring of fluffy feathers found at the base of the vulture's neck.


Draw Vulture Bird 16

Step 16: Darken the initial arc at the top to create the folded wing on the other side of the vulture's body. Draw the top part of the other folded wing to the left of the feathers around the neck. The top part of the folded wing should follow the basic shape of the body and look similar to a less-than sign (<). Curve the lines as you draw the shape of the folded wing for a more organic look. Draw a series of short, curved lines along the middle of the body to indicate the feathers on the bird's folded wing.


Draw Vulture Bird 17

Step 17: Draw the bottom half of the vulture's wing by using the big arc on the right as a guide. Continue drawing the left edge of the folded wing using curved lines. Darken the top part of the arc for that part of the wing. Start drawing short, curved lines along the bottom for the feathers. Follow the basic path of the initial guide as you draw the curved lines that represent the bird's individual feathers.


Draw Vulture Bird 18

Step 18: Darken the guide lines at the top to create the top part of the vulture's body. Darken the bottom part of the guides to create the underside of the body. Darken the shape on the lower right and add a series of short, diagonal lines inside for the individual tail feathers.


Draw Vulture Bird 19

Step 19: Use quick, short strokes as you follow the path of the curved line under the body on the right to create the leg. Use the angled lines under the body as guides to draw the vulture's foot and toes on this side of the body. Follow the basic path of the guides as you make the shape of the foot thicker. Add a curved line at the end of the toes for the bird's sharp talons. Draw another toe on the right side using curved lines and a third toe that's barely visible at the top.

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