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Step 10: Draw the pig's nose on the tip of the initial arc. The nose consists of a thin ellipse and a smaller ellipse inside for the nostril.

Step 11: Draw the rest of the snout by following the basic path of the initial arc. Darken the top part of the pig's snout and draw the line a bit lower than the guide. Draw the mouth near the middle of the arc as a wavy line. The bottom of the snout should be curvy.

Step 12: Use the initial circle as a guide to draw the rest of the pig's head. Darken the top line and draw a few curved lines at the bottom to indicate the folds of skin.

Step 13: Using the lines on the right side as guides, draw the pig's front legs. Lightly sketch the shape of the first leg as you follow the basic path of the line. Bend the leg forward. When you get the structure right, darken the lines. Add the toes and the nails at the tip of the foot as a series of short, curved lines. Draw the front leg on the other side the same way. Lightly sketch the shape of the leg by following the path of the guide. Then darken the lines when you get the structure right.

Step 14: Use the lines on the left side as guides to draw the pig's hind legs using the same technique. Start sketching the leg on the very left lightly and only darken when you have the structure right. The top of the leg should be thicker than the bottom. Give the leg curves and different thicknesses to indicate the joints. Draw the toes at the bottom. Draw the hind leg on the other side using the last line as a guide. The pig is stepping forward, so point the leg toward the front for a wide stride.