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Step 6: Draw a series of lines that connects the major shapes to form the body. Add a curved line on the right side as a guide for the wolverine's tail.

That's it for the initial sketch! From this point on, press harder with your pencil to get a more defined sketch.

Step 7: Draw the wolverine's eye inside the circle on the top left. First lightly draw a shape similar to a football, then darken the shape using thicker lines. Shade the inside of the eye except for a tiny spot to represent glare. Draw a few lines around the eye for extra detail. Use quick, short strokes at the top to represent fur.

Step 8: Draw the wolverine's nose on the tip of the arc. First darken the outer portion of the nose. Then add the nostril at the bottom and the fur on the sides.

Step 9: Use the arc as a guide to draw the rest of the wolverine's muzzle. Bend the top part of the muzzle. For the mouth, draw a line under the nose that stretches back toward the head. Draw another line under the mouth for the chin. Add some quick strokes on the muzzle for the whiskers.