How to Draw Big Elephant Seal Bull Male Roaring Initial Guidelines

That's it for the guides! From this point on, press harder with your pencil for a more defined drawing.


How to Draw Big Elephant Seal Bull Male Roaring 6

Step 6: Inside the head, near the right edge, lightly sketch a small oval for the elephant seal's eye. When you get the placement and shape right, darken the lines. Make the top and bottom pointier. Shade the inside of the eye except for a tiny circle to represent glare. Use a slightly darker value near the middle of the eye for the pupil. Draw a couple of lines around the eye for the wrinkles.


How to Draw Big Elephant Seal Bull Male Roaring 7

Step 7: On the top part of the circle, lightly sketch two small arcs for the top of the elephant seal's unique nose. Pay attention to the placement of these lines in relation to the eye. The lines should be similar to a curved letter M. When you get the shapes and placement right, darken the lines. At the bottom, curve the line back up to form the tip of the nose that will overlap the seal's open mouth. The tip of this line should end very close to the top edge of the initial circle.


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Step 8: Under the nose, draw a curved line for the open mouth. This line should curve to the left and end at the edge of the initial circle. At the bottom of the line, draw two small triangle- like shapes for the seal's bottom teeth. Above the teeth, draw couple of curved lines for the other side of the open mouth and the tongue. Draw a couple of curved lines under the mouth for the jaw/chin.


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Step 9: Use the initial circle as a guide to draw the rest of the elephant seal's head. Make the right side bulgier. Add a series of lines on the left side for the wrinkles under the chin. These folds of skin should follow the basic path of the initial circle. Add a few more lines around the nose for extra wrinkles. To the right of the nose, draw a few short, vertical lines for a few whiskers.

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