How to Draw a Cute Little Mini Chibi Cartoon Brown Bear Cub 6

Step 6: High above the eyes, draw a curved line for the top of the head. As you draw the line, add a couple of jagged strokes to represent the bear's fur. Draw a curved line on the left that's made up of quick, short strokes for the side of the head. Draw another curved line on the right side for the other side of the head. The right side of the head should be a lot farther from the eyes than the left side.


How to Draw a Cute Little Mini Chibi Cartoon Brown Bear Cub 7

Step 7: On the top, right side of the head, draw an arc that's made up of quick, short strokes for the ear. Draw a few more lines within the shape for the fur inside the bear's ear.

How to Draw a Cute Little Mini Chibi Cartoon Brown Bear Cub 8

Step 8: Draw the bear's ear on the left the same way. Start with an arc that's made up of quick, short strokes. Then add the fur inside using a series of short, jagged lines.


How to Draw a Cute Little Mini Chibi Cartoon Brown Bear Cub 9

Step 9: On the lower, right side of the head, draw two sloping lines for the cartoon bear's arm. At the bottom , draw a U-shaped line for the paw. Inside, draw a couple of lines for the fingers.



How to Draw a Cute Little Mini Chibi Cartoon Brown Bear Cub 10

Step 10: To the left of the arm, draw a big oval- like shape for the bear's first foot. Make the oval a bit narrower at the bottom.

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