Draw Angry Mean Big Charging Cartoon Bull 16

Step 16: Starting on the top, right side of the bull's head, draw a long curved line that's similar to a little hill for the back. Add a shorter curved line on the left for the rump.


Draw Angry Mean Big Charging Cartoon Bull 17

Step 17: Draw the first hind leg on the left side using a series of curved lines. The top part of the bull's leg should be thicker than the bottom. The leg should bend at the middle. Add the hoof at the bottom and draw a short line to split it.


Draw Angry Mean Big Charging Cartoon Bull 18

Step 18: To the right, draw the bottom half of the other hind leg the same way.


Draw Angry Mean Big Charging Cartoon Bull 19

Step 19: On the top, left side of the body, draw a two long, curved parallel lines for the bull's tail. At the end of the tail, draw the brush- like tip using a series of quick, short strokes.


Draw Angry Mean Big Charging Cartoon Bull 20

Step 20 (optional): Below the first front leg, draw a series of small curved lines to represent the dust this charging bull is kicking up. The overall shape of the dust should be similar to small cloud.

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