Draw Clownfish 10

Step 10: Draw the rest of the clownfish's head using the initial arc as a guide. Follow the basic path of the arc but make the head narrower as you darken the lines.

Draw Clownfish 11

Step 11: Draw a curved line to the right of the eye inside the main circle for the gill cover.

Draw Clownfish 12

Step 12: Follow the basic path of the backward C shape and make the line wavier to create the pectoral fin.

Draw Clownfish 13

Step 13: Use the two arcs on top as guides to draw the clownfish's dorsal fin. The dorsal fin is one long fin that dips in the middle, giving the illusion of two fins. Make the lines wavier as you darken them.

Draw Clownfish 14

Step 14: Use the arcs at the bottom as guides to draw the clownfish's pelvic and anal fins the same way. Make the lines wavier too.
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